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What is EMIC?

Techniques and tools to superpower change agents

EMIC is a method designed to work with human identities to solve problems and generate cohesive cultures within which individuals and groups thrive.

Case Studies

EMIC is put to use across a wide range of cases

Practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds and operating across contexts are putting EMIC to work.

Civil Society

Powering the transformative work of civil society organizations

A key method featured in the UNESCO-OICD toolkit for social transformation, EMIC is used by civil socieities active in health, gender, conflict and community empowerment work in Africa and beyond.


Helping Reveal Expressive Opportunities and Build Resilience in Children

Injected into classrooms worldwide as part of a larger "Identity Literacy" program, EMIC tools are being adapted to assist educators in providing the best opportunties for identity development in children.

Social Work

Researching and Monitoring Individual and Community Dyanmics

Social workers and community development practitioners have been using EMIC to understand the identity-based dynamics which prevent their clients and communities from achieving positive transformation.

Conflict & War

Research & Monitoring of Divisive Media Messaging

EMIC is used to research and monitor the way in which divisive propaganda and messaging is working to exploit psychological and social dynamics and support authoritarian regimes, identity-based conflicts, and violent extremist groups.

Organizational Cultural Change

Forming and Shaping Organizational Culture

EMIC is being used by organizations to help them identify core values and work to consciously shape their culture based on their desired values and qualities.

Engagement & Advocacy

Helping Engage & Positively Impact Stakeholders

EMIC is being used to identitfy the key identity dynamics and shape messaging to cultural groups across public health, pro-democracy, and community cohesion building projects.

Use Cases

Apply EMIC to power the change you seek

Practitioners across a wide vareity of sectors can put the EMIC method and platform to use to solve problems and power ethical and sustainable change


Reveal Deep Root-Causes of any Human Problem

From individuals involved in gang or terrorist activity, to entire communities suffering from cultural polarization, EMIC can reveal the divisions of "Us" versus "Them" which power the problem and the possible solution.


Develop Strategies for Transformation

Revealing ways in which identities are barriers to individual or community growth, EMIC tools are used to devise strategies to regenerate self-concepts and unlock social and economic growth.


Reach and Impact any Individual or Community

Revealing the nuanced ways in which individuals and groups see themselves in the world, EMIC allows messaging to be shaped and delivered in ways which have a high chance of resonating and impacting the intended audience.


Monitor and Evaluate Change

EMIC can be used as a change monitoring tool, providing valuable realtime information as to the effectiveness of current transformation efforts, facilitaing evaluation and optimization.


Power Community Development & Conflict Resolution Efforts

Revealing the us/them divisions within and across communities, EMIC tools help practitioners to map trajectories of change and co-produce strategies to deliver on these visions.


Understand and Shape Organizational Cultures

By mapping existing identity and culture dynamics across an organization, leaders can take control of a conscious monitoring and shaping of that culture.


Advisory and Implementation

Ultizing the Power of EMIC can be done through deploying EMIC practitioners and teams to work on your problems, or building your own capacitities in the EMIC Method.

2024 Capacity
null 1M-12M
null PP: 1-10
null Worldwide

Our Strategic Advisory and Implementation Support services are designed for organizations seeking expert guidance in deploying identity-based solutions to complex challenges. We work alongside you, offering insights and support to effectively implement our proven tools, ensuring sustainable outcomes and enhanced understanding.

Typically from $2k-$20k
2024 Capacity
null 4-12M
null Pp 1-10
null Worldwide

Join our Capacity Building and Empowerment Workshops to master a suite of innovative tools designed to address human challenges through understanding identity and culture. Our workshops are tailored to equip you with the knowledge and skills to independently apply these tools, fostering harmony and resolution in diverse contexts.

from $54 pcm pp

Join the EMIC Identity & Culture Empowerment Program


EMIC Change Catalysts

For Individuals Driving Social Transformation


Join as a Change Catalyst and immerse yourself in a comprehensive ecosystem designed to empower you as an agent of social change. 

  • Comprehensive Empowerment Workshops: Engage in a wide array of empowerment workshops, designed to equip you with the expertise to navigate and resolve complex human challenges.
  • Pathway to Mastery: Embark on a journey through various levels of mastery, enhancing your capability and recognition in the field. Progress to licensed EMIC Practitioner (see progression chart below)
  • Exclusive Academic and Practical Resources: Unlimited access to a rich library of academic and practical resources to deepen your insights and support your initiatives.
  • Community and Networking: Interact in our virtual community spaces and receive invitations to exclusive events, offering both complimentary and preferential rates, aimed at broadening your knowledge and connecting you with fellow change-makers.
  • Personalized Guidance: Benefit from dedicated sessions with mentors for tailored advice and support.
  • Full Suite of Tools and Methods: Gain unrestricted access to all tools, technologies, methods, and resources developed by OICD/EMIC to amplify your impact.
  • Collaborative Opportunities: Connect, collaborate, and share experiences with a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.

Participation Fees:

  • $54 per calendar month, billed quarterly.
  • Free 30-Day Exploration: Discover the benefits of being a Change Catalyst with no initial commitment.

Collaborative Partners

For Organizations Fostering Social Innovation


Our Collaborative Partner level is designed for organizations seeking to empower their teams with cutting-edge skills and tools for social innovation and change. Benefit from tailored discounts on our empowerment workshops and tool licensing, enhancing your team's effectiveness in driving change.

  • Collaborative Partner team members receive all benefits of Change Catalysts.
  • Preferential Workshop and Tool Access: Enjoy special rates for our empowerment workshops and the licensing of our innovative tools and resources.
  • Team Empowerment: Strengthen your team's capacity to implement identity-based solutions to social challenges, fostering a culture of innovation and impact.
  • Apply for Collaborative Partner status using the button below.

Community Contributors

For Volunteers and Interns Making a Difference


We deeply value the contributions of our volunteers and interns, recognizing them as integral members of our community. By contributing over 10 hours per month, Community Contributors receive the same comprehensive access as Change Catalysts, acknowledging their vital role in our collective mission.

  • Equal Access to Empowerment Opportunities: Enjoy the same extensive access to workshops, resources, and support as our Change Catalysts.
  • Experience and Impact: Gain invaluable experience and insights while contributing to projects that make a real difference.

Interact & Discover Together in our Virtual Environments



Understand how people see themselves and others.

EMIC helps us to see the world through the eyes of the subject, enabling us to engage with, navigate, and positively affect the networks of meanings which make up their perception of themselves and others.


Build effective strategies to engage

EMIC is based on decades of interdisciplinary research. At the foundation of the platform is a "generative model of identity" which understands that humans express our identities through following available “pathways” of concepts we’ve internalized as ideas about ‘us’ and ‘them’. The understanding of the exact configuration of these concepts and how many pathways people have access to can provide powerful insights and strategies for engagement. By following the EMIC 6-Step Method, we can reveal these pathways and put our understanding to work through strategies and interventions.



1. Research

Collecting data through interviews, observations, discourse analysis, text/web scraping, and other methods.


2. Mapping

Creating visual representations of the data, such as identity maps, to identify patterns and relationships.


3. Analysis

Examining the maps and identifying key themes, insights, and their implications for understanding identity dynamics and developing interventions.


4. Strategy

Using the insights gained from the analysis to develop strategies and interventions aimed at addressing the identified identity dynamics, either to promote positive outcomes or mitigate negative ones.


5. Intervention

Putting the strategies and interventions into practice and monitoring their implementation and impact.


6. Evaluation

Using the same method to evaluate the change made.

Ultilize EMIC Directly Through Advisory Services


Confirm Eligibility

EMIC is available for a wide range of applications


EMIC advisors, licensed practitioners and advisory teams are able to help your organization, agency or company achieve a wide variety of outcomes. 

  • Improved communication between individuals and/or groups.
  • Improved relations between individuals and/or groups.
  • Reveal deep problems causing division in communities or groups.
  • Develop strategies to repair divisions in communities or groups.
  • Reveal, design and optimize identity, culture and values which drive organizations operating for the public, social, economic, political or psychological good of society.
  • Engage an audience or community in informational messaging.
  • Develop strategies and interventions for positive psychological, social, economic or political transformation.
  • Develop strategies and interventions to redress psychological, social, economic or political inequalities.

Connect with an Advisor

Schedule a online meeting with an EMIC advisor


EMIC Advisers will confirm eligibility and set out to understand the context and scale of your problem or challenge.

  • A 30 min online call with an EMIC advisor begins the process of understanding your context.
  • An advisor will ask a series of questions to determine whether an EMIC project is suitable for your context and how it would function.
  • Additional calls may be required to collect further information and allow the advisor or advisory team to prepare a full brief for your project.
  • A full brief with costings will be provided.

Engage Your Problem

Advisors Design and Operate an EMIC Program


Once confirmed, the advisory team will begin to fully operationalize the project outlined in the brief. 

  • The lead advisor will prepare a service agreement which will determine the work to be conducted and responsibilities of all parties.
  • The EMIC project typically begins by conducting research and collecting detailed information about the identity and cultural dynamics of the context.
  • Full research reports are typically provided on a regular basis as determined in the brief.
  • The process typically proceeds to map, analyze, and build strategies based on the findings of the research phase.
  • Visual reports and presentations representing these findings and corresponding strategies and recommendations are provided as per the service agreement.
  • Intervention and monitoring services typically allow the strategies and recommendations to be implemented with continued support of the EMIC advisory team if required.



Empowering Personal Growth

EMIC can be utilized as a therapeutic tool, helping individuals explore and understand their own experiences, values, beliefs, and emotions. This self-reflection leads to personal growth, empowerment, and the development of coping mechanisms.


Fostering Inclusive Organizations

Within organizations, EMIC can uncover the values, beliefs, and behaviors that drive the organizational culture. This understanding informs strategic decision-making, enhances team dynamics, and fosters a more inclusive and cohesive environment.


Promoting Social Change

EMIC can be employed to identify the underlying drivers of social issues, enabling stakeholders to advocate for change, inform policy development, and support community engagement and grassroots movements.


Enhancing Education and Training

By integrating EMIC into educational curricula and training programs, participants develop a deeper appreciation for the complexities of identity and division, leading to more inclusive and informed perspectives and practices.


Transforming Conflicts

Across civil society, NGOs, and government contexts, EMIC supports conflict resolution and transformation efforts by providing a comprehensive understanding of the identities, perspectives, and interests involved, informing mediation processes and strategies that address the root causes of division.


Measuring and Evaluating Impact

EMIC's mapping and analysis approach enables detailed understanding, comparative analysis, evaluation of effectiveness, and the ability to inform future approaches, contributing to continuous improvement and innovation in various change projects.

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